Gilmorehill Glasgow and the University.
Perthshire Glen.

Glasgow Perthshire

Charitable Society

Founded 1835 - Registered in Scotland - Charity No. SC009576

News Archive


2024 News ↑Top

19 Jul 2024 - Crowdstrike/Microsoft Outage

Society systems are working normally, but users may find they are unable to connect because of issues on some networks. Some O2 mobile data networks appear to be down at the moment for example, while BT cable broadband appears to be working normally.

01 Jul 2024 - Thank You to Bursars for Updating Continuation Status and/or Qualifications

Thank you to all our bursars who have updated their continuation status (and qualifications if they have completed their course).

18 Jun 2024 - Bursars - Please Update Continuation Status

A number of bursars have failed to update their accounts to let the Society know if they are continuing their studies or if they have now qualified. Bursars should remember that if they do not update their status via their accounts, their bursary will be terminated, their qualification recorded in our records as Failed, and the Society reserves the right to request repayment of all or part of bursary monies paid.

02 Jun 2024 - Continuation Status Requested from Current Bursars

To allow the Society to ascertain the resources available to it for the coming year, current bursars have been contacted and asked if they are continuing their studies or have completed their course. Those continuing should update their status and upload their SAAS awards on their bursar accounts as soon as possible. Those who have completed their course should update their qualification on their bursar accounts.

01 Jun 2024 - Student Bursary Applications Closed

Student Bursary applications for 2024 are now closed. Late applications cannot be accepted. Applicants will be contacted, after examination results are published, to confirm that they are still taking up their places. The Board will then finalise the awarding of bursaries.

01 Jun 2024 - Bursary Applications Closing at Noon Today

Student Bursary applications for 2024 will close at noon today. Late applications cannot be accepted.

24 May 2024 - Recommended Last Day to Pre-Submit Bursary Applications

Today is the latest recommended date for pre-submitting student bursary applications, to allow time for printing and posting, to ensure we receive applications by the closing date of 1st June.

01 Mar 2024 - Student Bursary Applications Now Open

Applications for student bursaries are now being accepted. Please see the Bursaries page for details.

24 Feb 2024 - Bursary Applications Will Open 1st March

The on-line application system will open on 1st March 2024, closing on 1st June 2024. Students from Perthshire planning to study in Glasgow are invited to apply for a student bursary from the Society. Full details are on the Bursaries page.

08 Jan 2024 - 2024 Student Bursaries

Students from Perthshire planning to study in Glasgow are invited to apply for a student bursary from the Society. The on-line application system will open provisionally on 1st March 2024, closing on 1st June 2024. Full details are on the Bursaries page.

01 Jan 2024 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2024 to everyone.

2023 News ↑Top

18 Dec 2023 - Seasons' Greetings

Compliments of the season to all our Bursars, Referees, and web site visitors.

11 Sep 2023 - Web Server Fault

Apologies for the interruption in the Society web site service today, from about 11a.m. This was due to faulty hardware which has now been replaced. Service was restored at approximately 19:15.

31 Aug 2023 - Bursary Awards Made

Student bursary awards for 2023 have now been made. All applicants have been notified by e-mail if successful or not. Congratulations to all our new bursars.

09 Aug 2023 - Bursary Applications Being Assessed

Bursary applicants have been contacted and asked to confirm that they will still be taking up their place at university/college (some applicants change their minds over the summer). The Board of Directors will finalise the awards when all confirmations have been received.

01 Jun 2023 - Bursary Applications Now Closed

Applications for 2023 student bursaries are now closed.

24 May 2023 - Bursary Applications Will Close 1st June

Applications for student bursaries will close on June 1st. We recommend 24th May as the latest date to pre-submit the on-line form to allow time for printing and posting of the application, and uploading of course offer letters before the closing date.

01 Apr 2023 - Bursary Applications Now Open

The on-line Student Bursary Application system is now open for applications. We apologise for the uncertainty as to whether the system would be operational this year, but this was due to circumstances beyond our control. Please see the Bursaries page for more details.

31 Mar 2023 - Internet Connection Fixed

An engineer has fixed an issue in the street which was affecting the Society's internet link. Everything is back to normal (and will hopefully stay that way).

29 Mar 2023 - Internet Connection

Since around 16:30 today the Society's internet link has been slow and intermittent. We are working to resolve the issue. Apologies for any inconvenience.

26 Mar 2023 - Online Bursary Applications 2023

The Society is pleased to announce that online Bursary applications will open on Saturday 1st April 2023. We apologise for the uncertainty over the status of the online system over the last few weeks.

25 Mar 2023 - Bursary Applications

Due to unforeseen circumstances the on-line Bursary Application System may not be available this year, though it is hoped to make it available by 1st April. If the system cannot be made available the Society will contact schools with details of how to make applications. Please watch this space.

01 Jan 2023 - Happy New Year

Best wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023.

2022 News ↑Top

25 Dec 2022 - Merry Christmas

Compliments of the season to everyone from the Glasgow Perthshire.

19 Dec 2022 - Web Server Issues [cont]

The Society web server is currently running on temporary hardware. Performance seems normal, but users may notice some sluggishness occasionally. Replacement hardware is being sourced and will be installed as soon as possible.

18 Dec 2022 - Web Server Issues

A hardware fault on the Society server means the web site may come and go over the next few days until new hardware is sourced. Apologies for any inconvenience.

28 Sep 2022 - Bursary Payments Made

All bursary payments for academic year 2022 - 2023 have now been made.

20 Sep 2022 - Bursary Applications Will Open March 2023

Applications for Glasgow Perthshire Student Bursaries will open provisionally on March 1st 2023. Bursaries of £750 rising to £1000 will be available. Watch this space.

08 Sep 2022 - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

The Society is greatly saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this difficult time.

16 Aug 2022 - Bursary Awards Made

All applicants have been notified by e-mail if successful or not. Congratulations to all our new bursars.

09 Aug 2022 - Bursary Applications Being Assessed

Applicants have been contacted to confirm they will still be taking up their place at university/college. The Board of Directors will finalise the awards when all confirmations have been received.

01 Jun 2022 - Bursary Applications Now Closed

Bursary applications are now closed for the coming academic year. Applications for next year's bursaries will open around March 2023.

31 May 2022 - Bursary Applications Will Close 1st June

We must receive your signed/dated hard copy application and you must upload your Course Offer letter by midday June 1st.

24 May 2022 - Recommended Latest Date to Pre-submit Bursary Applications

Today is the latest recommended date to pre-submit bursary applications (on-line part), to allow time for printing and posting of the hard copy to be received by the Society by the closing date of June 1st.

01 May 2022 - Bursary Applications Close in One Month

Bursary applications for 2022 will close one month from today.

01 Mar 2022 - Bursary Applications Now Open

Bursary applications for 2022 are now open.

01 Feb 2022 - Bursary Applications Open in One Month

Bursary applications for this year will open on 1st March.

01 Jan 2022 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2022 from the Glasgow Perthshire. Things can only get better (surely).

2021 News ↑Top

17 Dec 2021 - Season's Greetings

Season's greetings to all our bursars, application referees, directors, and web site visitors.

03 Oct 2021 - Bursary Applications for 2022

Applications for 2022 student bursaries will open (provisionally) on 1st March 2022.

16 Aug 2021 - Bursary Awards Made

Bursary applicants have been notified by e-mail if successful or not. Congratulations to all our new bursars.

10 Aug 2021 - Applicants Contacted to Confirm Grades etc.

Bursary applicants have been contacted to confirm that they received any necessary grades and that they will still be taking up their place at university/college. The Board of Directors will finalise the awards when all confirmations have been received.

01 Jun 2021 - Bursary Applications Closed

Bursary Applications Now Closed. Applicants will be contacted again in early August, after grades are published, to confirm they will still be taking up their place at university/college. The Board of Directors will then finalise the awards.

21 May 2021 - Unplanned Downtime

Apologies for the interruption in service first thing today. This was due to an overnight disk failure. The web site was back around 09:45.

04 May 2021 - Bursary Applications

Applications for student bursaries will close 4 weeks from today. We recommend 24th May as last day to pre-submit the on-line applicaton form, to allow time for printing and posting as we must receive applications by the closing date of 1st June.

01 Mar 2021 - Bursary Applications

Applications for student bursaries are now open.

22 Feb 2021 - Bursary Applications

Applications for student bursaries will open on 1st March.

12 Feb 2021 - Power Cut

Apologies for interruptions in service today. A power cut at 08:51 has been followed by numerous short term (e.g. 15 second) resumptions of power. Power is now back and hopefully will remain.

22 Jan 2021 - Covid-19 Update

Despite the disruption to schooling and examinations again this year, the bursary application timetable will remain unchanged in order to follow the current university application timetable. We will of course keep the situation under review.

01 Jan 2021 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2021 from the Glasgow Perthshire. Let's hope for a better year than last.

2020 News ↑Top

17 Dec 2020 - Season's Greetings

Best wishes and season's greetings to all our bursars and web site visitors. Take care over the festive season and be patient - there is light at the end of the tunnel and an end to these strange times later in 2021 hopefully.

06 Nov 2020 - Bursary Payments

All 2020 bursaries have been paid.

02 Sep 2020 - Bursary Payments

Most bursaries have been paid with the exception of those students who have not yet provided confirmation of their SAAS awards.

14 Aug 2020 - Bursary Awards Made

All applicants have been notified if successful or not. Congratulations to all our new bursars.

12 Aug 2020 - Broadband Outage

Apologies for the interruption in service today, this was due to a major broadband outage in the area.

06 Aug 2020 - Board Assessing Bursary Applications

Bursary applicants have been contacted to confirm they will still be taking up their place at university/college. The Board of Directors will finalise the awards when confirmations have been received.

04 Aug 2020 - Power Cut

Apologies for the interruption in service today, this was due to a local power cut.

05 Jun 2020 - All References Recieved

All references for bursary applicants have been received. Many thanks to all the referees, without whom we could not continue our Student Bursary programme.

01 Jun 2020 - Bursary Applications Closed

The Student Bursary application system is now closed to further applications for the 2020-21 academic year.

28 May 2020 - Tomorrow (Fri 29 May) Last Chance to Post Applications

Tomorrow, Fri 29 May, is probably the last chance to post applications to ensure we receive them by Mon 1st June. If you have already submitted electronically you should print, sign, and date your application and post it tomorrow.

24 May 2020 - Final Week: Bursary Applications Close 1st June

Final Week: Student Bursary Applications will close on 1st June. Please allow plenty of time for posting as post may be delayed during the Covid-19 outbreak. Late applications cannot be accepted.

04 May 2020 - Bursary Applications Close 1st June

Reminder: Student Bursary Applications will close on 1st June. Please apply as soon as possible since post may be delayed during the Covid-19 outbreak. Late applications cannot be accepted.

19 Apr 2020 - Power Cut

Apologies for the interruption in service today, this was due to a local power cut.

25 Mar 2020 - Covid-19 Update

The Student Bursary Application process will continue as normal now that there is some clarity as regards examinations and grades. We will of course continue to monitor the situation.

18 Mar 2020 - Covid-19 Update

Following the government announcement today that schools will be closed and that exams in May/June will be cancelled (postponed?), we will continue to keep the Student Bursary Application system open. It is unclear what will happen in the future, but for the moment we will continue as normal and suggest that if you plan to make a bursary application, please do so before the closing date of June 1st, the earlier the better. Obviously we will monitor events and adjust procedures if necessary.

09 Mar 2020 - Bursary Applications Now Open

2020 Student Bursary applications are now being accepted. Closing date 1st June 2020.

19 Feb 2020 - Bursary Applications

It is intended that the bursary application system will open on Monday 9th March.

01 Jan 2020 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2020 from the Glasgow Perthshire.

2019 News ↑Top

16 Dec 2019 - Season's Greetings

Season's greetings to all our bursars and web site visitors.

13 Oct 2019 - New Look Web Site

New web site now on-line.

08 Oct 2019 - All Bursaries Paid

All bursaries have now been paid.

13 Aug 2019 - All Applicants Notified if Successful or Not

All bursary applicants have been notified if successful or not. Congratulations to all our new bursars.

06 Aug 2019 - Applicants Contacted to Confirm Still Taking Up Place

Bursary applicants have been contacted to confirm that they are still taking up their place at university/college in Glasgow. The Board will then make final decisions on this year's bursary awards.

02 Jun 2019 - Bursary Applications Now Closed

Bursary applications are now closed. Applicants can sign in any time to check the status of their application.

29 May 2019 - Last Chance to Post Bursary Applications

Tomorrow (Thu 30th May) is probably last chance to post bursary applications to ensure we receive them by the closing date of 1st June.

04 May 2019 - Student Bursary Applications Close 1st June:

Applications for student bursaries will close on 1st June. Late applications will not be accepted. Be sure to apply as early as possible. Full details on the Bursaries page.

11 Mar 2019 - Student Bursary Applications Open:

Applications for student bursaries are invited from Perthshire students starting university/college in Glasgow in 2019. Full details of eligibility, Ts & Cs, etc. can be found on the Bursaries page.

28 Jan 2019 - Change to Bursary Values from 2019:

From 2019, bursary awards will have the following values:

  • First Year Students - 750 Pounds
  • Second Year Students and above - 1000 Pounds

2018 News ↑Top

10 Dec 2018 - Changes to Bursary Eligibility Criteria from 2019:

  • Bursary applicants must be entering the first year of their course. Students already at university/college are no longer eligible to apply. There are no changes for existing bursars.
  • Bursary applicants must be funded by SAAS (Student Awards Agency for Scotland).

Full details can be found in the Bursary Terms & Conditions.

14 Sep 2018 - All Bursary Applicants Notified

All applicants for bursaries have been notified if successful or not. Congratulations to our new bursars.

27 Aug 2018 - Bursary Applicants Being Notified

The Board have made their decisions on bursary awards. Applicants are being notified if successful or not. Check your e-mail.

12 Aug 2018 - Bursary Awards Being Finalised

The Board are currently considering bursary awards for this year. Decisions will be finalised when all applicants have confirmed they are taking up their university/college places.

21 May 2018 - Bursary Applications Close 1st June

Reminder: student bursary applications close on 1st June. Late applications will not be accepted.

1 March 2018 - Bursary Applications Open

Applications for 2018 Student Bursaries are now being accepted. See the Society web site for details.

2017 News ↑Top

19 December 2017 - Compliments of the Season

Season's greetings to all our bursars, grantees, and visitors.

11 Aug 2017 - 2017 Bursaries Awarded.

2017 Bursaries awarded. Congratulations to all our new bursars.

21 Jul 2017 - All References Received.

All references received. Bursary selection process is underway.

07 Jun 2017 - References Requested.

References have been requested for all bursary applicants.

02 Jun 2017 - Applications for Student Bursaries are now closed.

Applications for Student Bursaries are now closed.

27 May 2017 - Bursary Applications Close Thursday 1st June

Bursary applications close next Thursday 1st June. Allow time for posting.

18 May 2017 - Bursary Applications Close in Two Weeks

Bursary Applications close 1st June - two weeks from today. Allow time for posting.

1 May 2017 - Bursary Applications Close One Month from Today

Applications for 2017 student bursaries close one month from today - 1st June.

1 March 2017 - Bursary Application System Now Open

Applications for 2017 bursaries are now open.

4 January 2017 - Happy New Year

Best wishes for 2017 from the Glasgow Perthshire.

2016 News ↑Top

24 December 2016 - Compliments of the Season

The Glasgow Perthshire wishes all our bursars, grantees, and web site visitors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

04 October 2016 - Bursary Payments Completed

All bursary payments have now been made.

27 September 2016 - Bursary Payments

Most bursary payments have now been made. Awaiting details from one bursar.

31 August 2016 - 2016 Bursaries Awarded

2016 Student Bursaries have been awarded and recipients notified. Congratulations to successful applicants.

19 July 2016 - Selection Process Underway

Student bursary award selection process is now underway. Final decisions mid/late August.

1 June 2016 - Bursary Applications Closed

The 2016 Student Bursary Application System is now closed. Late applications will not be accepted.

16 May 2016 - Reminder: Bursary Applications Close 1st June

Reminder - Signed/dated Student Bursary applications and supporting documentation must be received by 1st June.

07 March 2016 - Bursary Applications Open

New on-line Student Bursary Application system is now open for 2016-17 bursaries.

04 January 2016 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year and best wishes for 2016 from the Glasgow Perthshire.

2015 News ↑Top

22 December 2015 - Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Glasgow Perthshire to all our bursars, grantees, and friends.

21 September 2015 - 2015-16 Bursary Payments Update

All new and existing bursars have been contacted by the Society to arrange payment details.

14 September 2015 - 2015-16 Bursary Payments

New and existing bursars will be contacted in the next week or so to arrange payments. Please check e-mail.

7 September 2015 - 2015-16 Bursaries Awarded

2015-16 Bursaries have now been awarded - congratulations to our new bursars. All applicants have been notified by e-mail.

5 June 2015 - 2015-16 Bursary Applications closed

2015-16 Bursary applications have closed - all applications have been acknowledged by e-mail.

29 May 2015 - One week till Bursary Applications close

Bursary applications for 2015-16 close on 5th June - one week from today.

5 May 2015 - One month till Bursary Applications close

Bursary applications for 2015-16 close on 5th June - one month from today.

1 January 2015 - Happy New Year

Best wishes to everyone for 2015 from the Glasgow Perthshire.

2014 News ↑Top

14 December 2014 - 2015 Bursary Application Forms Available

2015 Bursary Application Forms are now available on the Society web site.

1 September 2014 - Congratulations to our new 2014 Bursars

The Directors have made the bursary awards and recipients have been notified. Congratulations to successful applicants.

6 June 2014 - Bursary Applications Acknowledged

All bursary applicants have now been sent an e-mail acknowledgement.

6 June 2014 - Bursary Applications Closed

Bursary applications for 2014-15 are now closed. Applicants will receive an e-mail acknowledgement within the next 24h.

30 May 2014 - Bursary Application Deadline

One week until the 2014 Bursary application deadline on 6th June 2014. Late applications will not be accepted.

06 May 2014 - Bursary Application Deadline

One month until the 2014 Bursary application deadline on 6th June 2014. Application forms available on the Society web site.

20 March 2014 - Bursary Application Forms

2014 Bursary applications forms now available on the Society web site. Closing date 6th June.

2013 News ↑Top

23 December 2013 - Season's Greetings

The Glasgow Perthshire wishes our bursars, grantees, and friends a very Merry Christmas and compliments of the season.

30 August 2013 - Bursary Awards Made

The Board of Directors have now made their awards of Glasgow Perthshire Student Bursaries for this year. All applicants have been notified by e-mail.

28 August 2013 - Bursary Selection in Progress

The directors are currently engaged in the selection process for bursars. This may take several days or more.

21 August 2013 - Still Awaiting Some Paperwork

Would new applicants who have not yet sent a copy of their SAAS award letter to the Bursary Coordinator, please do so as soon as possible.

16 June 2013 - Bursary Application Deadline Past

The deadline for Glasgow Perthshire student bursary applications for session 2013-14 is now past. No further applications will be accepted.

07 June 2013 - One Week to Bursary Application Deadline

There is one week to go before the deadline for Student Bursary applications on 14th June 2013.

06 May 2013 - Bursary Application Deadline

The deadline for Student Bursary applications is 14th June 2013.

02 May 2013 - Glasgow Perthshire on Facebook and Twitter

The Glasgow Perthshire (Charitable Society) is now on Facebook and Twitter.

02 May 2013 - Glasgow Perthshire Web Site Created

The Glasgow Perthshire (Charitable Society) web site has been created.